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 اوراق ذهبية إنشاء 4

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
عضو برونزى
عضو برونزى

عدد الرسائل : 111
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/06/2008

اوراق ذهبية إنشاء 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اوراق ذهبية إنشاء 4   اوراق ذهبية إنشاء 4 Emptyالسبت أكتوبر 04, 2008 8:51 am


There will be only one question which is:

Write a well-organized essay about one of the following:

- Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of -------

- Compare and contrast --------- and --------

- Tell about ------ that you passed through. (narrative)

- Describe how ------- looks like (descriptive)

The lecturer asks the students to prepare and study these passages(17-18-19-20)

The passage will not be from the course. However, the following two questions are expected:

1. Explain the meaning of the words and expressions in italics:

These had settled down for the winter at Chippenham.

(= dwelled)

Have you settled your account yet?

(= paid)

They settled in Australia before the war.

(= lived)

It’s time we settled this question.

(= resolved – answered)

He settled all his property on his wife.

(= gave formally, especially in a will)

The Danes were no longer fit for prolonged battle.

(= good enough for fighting)

Does that coat fit you?

(= suit in size and shape)

I can’t fit all these clothes into this suitcase.

(= find sufficient space for something into a place)

He may win the race today. He’s extremely fit and in good form.

(= well trained or in good health because of regular exercise)

He wrote that book in a sudden fit of energy.

(= rush)

It’s a good idea, but it doesn’t fit in with our plans.

(= correspond)

These efforts help to mask the . . . trivialities of the plots.

( = stories)

We plottedour course on the map.

(= made a diagram)

They are plottingto bring about the downfall of the government.

(= conspiring)

Now that I’ve got this plot, I’ll be able to build a house when I can afford it.

(= plan)

No benefactions and research endowments can make up forthe change in character which the city has suffered.

(= repay)

My wife and I quarrelled last night and we haven't made it up yet.

(= reconciled)

He is a peculiar person. I simply can't make him out.

(= understand him)

At six in the morning the old courts shake to the roar of buses.

(= blocks of flats)

The magistrate cleared the court.

(= a place where a trail is held)

It was a struggle between the court and the peasants.

(= the chief royal palace)

I think he’s courting the girl next door.

(= pay attention and spending time with a certain woman hoping to marry)

To do that would be to court disaster.

(= to risk something bad often foolishly)

He will not suffer from the fear of death, sincethe things he cares for will continue.

(= as long as)

I have not seen him sincelast year.

(= from a date in the past to the present time)

When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is leading the bank money.

(= To keep money there)

I can't settle my account until next month.

(= To clearance, finishing and ending)

How do you account for his change of attitude?

(= Clarify, explain, and gloss)

He gave an interesting account of his travels in China.

(= value, and destiny)

Please don't go to all this trouble on my account.

(= For me, appreciating, and estimation)

Trains were delayed on account of the bad weather.

(= Because of, and by reason of)

When it has been decided where we are going to drill, we put up at the surface an oil derrick.

(= provided, fixed)

It took them several hours to put out the fire.

(= extinguish, stop)

I would not put up with this sort of thing any longer.

(= tolerate, stand)

Because of the bad weather, the match has been put off until the next week.

(= postponed, delayed)

Once we get down to the oil, it usually flows to the surface.

(= The moment - As soon as - When)

I am ashamed to say I have been only to the louver once.

(= in one occasion - one time)

Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter who lived in a forest.

(= A long time ago)

Isee him once in a while.

(= occasionally)

I will come at once.

(= immediately)

All at once there was a loud explosion.

(= Suddenly)

It does mean that noise is less dangerous than, say, being brought up in an orphanage—which really is a mental health hazard.

(= raised)

The question was recently brought up in Parliament.

(= discussed / raised)

The boxer was knocked out in the first round. It took a long time to bring him round.

(= overcome him)

The whole scene brought back the days of my childhood.

(= reminded)

Their wonderful performance brought down the house.

(= affected the audience / overexerted them)

Can you bring to mind what happened on the fourth of July?

(= recall)

Difficult conditions will sometimes bring out a man’s best qualities.

(= demonstrate)

It is almost always due to some very special circumstances that traces of land animals survive.

(= because of)

The train is due to arrive in three minutes.

(= should /expected to)

It is due to him to say what he did last night.

(= up to him)

Halifax lies due North from here.

(=exactly, before the directions)

2. Complete the following sentences:

-Tell me where ….

-Tell me where she is.

- I do not know why …..

- I do not know why you are angry.

-Ask him how …..

-Ask him how he learned to drive a car.

-Did he tell you when …..

-Did he tell you when he got his license?

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
اوراق ذهبية إنشاء 4
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